One over cast day Room 7
played a game called Conversation
Donut. Miss Ashley
explained a game by saying “One
buddy go inside the circle
and the other buddy stay on the
outside to make a donut
shape circle. I will give you a
paper with a question on it to
tell your buddy. I will shout
NEXT and your buddy on the
outside will swap to another buddy”
My question was “Would you
rather eat mussels or squid?”
I thought to myself “disgusting
I don’t like squid.”
I asked my buddy (Wesley)
and he replied “I would eat
mussels because it has more
juice then squid”.
“That's a good reason. I would
eat mussels to cause I hate squid!”.
Wesley asked “Would you rather
eat pasta or pizza, and why”
“I would eat pizza because with
pasta it makes a mess” I laughed.
“I would eat pizza because it is cheesy”
“fair enough” I agreed.
Miss Ashley called out “Next!”
and the outside circled rotated.
My new buddy was Junefia.
She asked “Would you rather
walk or swim, and why?”
“I would walk because I’m
scared of currents in the water,” I replied.
“I would walk because I don’t
like getting wet,” she laughed.
I asked her my question and
she replied “I would eat mussels”
“Because they are way
yummier” she smiled.
Miss Ashley Interrupted and
shouted “NEXT” and so it was
time to switch. Heilenah was my
next buddy and she asked her
question (“ Would you rather
be a Doctor or Police, and why?”).
I replied and answered
“I would be a police so I can arrest criminals”
“I would be a police to catch people
that steal from other” she answered back.
My favourite question was wesley's question cause liked the pizza.