
Friday, February 22, 2019

All about me


Malo e lelei mo e
ko hoku hingoa ko Dyzon
. Foki au ko ha tokotaha
ako 'i he 'apiako Tamaki
Palaimeli. Ko e ha 'oku ou '
ofa 'i he ako ko e Maths mo
e tohi ka 'i he taimi 'oku ou
'ikai 'i he ako 'oku ou 'ofa
va'inga keimi 'i hoku fale
Grampa mo e Grammas.

Hello and my name is
Dyzon. Also I am a
Student at Tamaki Primary
school.What I love in school
is Maths and writing but when
I am not at school I love
playing games at my
Grampa and Grammas house.

Monday, February 18, 2019

Meanings of Words I learnt from The book of Marcus Thomas

New Zealand
Speleological Society
Documentary-A film
Ignited- lit
something on fire
you go climbing
Nettlebed-It is a name
of a place
Chambers-Is a large
Stalactites-It is pointy
spikes that are rocks
from up above inside
a cave
Abilities-What you are
capable of doing.
Flowstone-It is a shape
of a stone

Formation-It is a group
lining up in a shape

Friday, February 15, 2019

Thursday, February 14, 2019